How to sign up to Get Money Online


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

internet is an place for human can be share about all information. In the other way a business man can use to get some money. In fact not only business man that can get money from internet, everyone can get money from internet...

one of way to get money from internet is you can using is web then give you methot to shrink your link that have an information, so you can shrink that link on adfly an share your in formation on social media, so that you can get some money if any people that need to read the information...

The value for money paid per click will be varies, because every click be affected by the ip address people/visitor that click your link "where the state of the visitors who click".

Tutorial to sign up in :

1. First you must have a e-mail,
2. You must sign up on the, click this here or on this link :
3. Fill out the form with your personal data.

Your Name, Username, Email, Retype Email, Password & Retype Password

There are two types of accounts that you can choose :
1. Link Shrinker : create shortened URLs and earn money
2. Advertiser : Pay to advertise your website on

if you want to get paid form you can choose the number Link Shinker,

fill out captcha, chack into the chack box I agree to the terms and codition
and then select join to submit...

4. Next, will be show page like this,

then you can login into your email that you use to sign up before 3 days.
You will have message from to confitamtion your account. the message include :

confirmation code and link wabpage to confirmation

Open the link, copy the confirmation code into the form and then click Confirm Registratoin...

. After that it will show this page, and you have a new account...

 try login into your new account, and then completing your personal data in the account page...

6. Get paid to share your links on the Internet...

7. You can payout into Paypal, Payza, or Payoneer if minimal you must have $5, it will transfer into your credit account automaticly in end of month.

Posted by Samsul Arifin on Tuesday, January 31, 2017


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